职称: 编审(professor)
硕博士生导师: 硕博生导师
2000年于华中科技大学获法学硕士学位,2003年于华中科技大学获教育学博士学位。2004年获国家留学基金资助,2005年获华中科技大学文科学术著作资助。在《Higher Education》《教育研究》《高等教育研究》《Higher Education Management and Policy》等国内外高水平学术期刊发表论文40余篇,出版译著一部,专著一部,参著多部。主持、参与多项省部级科研课题,主持、参与国内多所高校中长期发展战略规划、师资队伍建设规划、学科建设规划的制订和咨询工作。
1. 来华留学质量保障研究专项课题(重点项目)“后疫情时代来华留学教育与管理质量保障研究”(2021-2022)
2. 教育部第二批新工科研究与实践项目“面向新工科的交叉学科国际化人才培养探索与实践”(E-GCCRC20200310)
3. 华中科技大学委托课题“国际化示范学院人才培养模式研究”(2020-2021)
4. 华中科技大学思想政治理论专项研究课题“基于大学英语课的国情认知提升”(2020-2021)
5. 华中科技大学世界与中国高等教育发展项目(2019)
6. 华中科技大学双一流建设调研项目(2018)
7. 华中科技大学思想政治理论专项研究课题“研究生思想政治教育载体研究”(2017-2018)
8. 襄樊学院委托课题“襄樊学院建设国内知名高水平综合性大学发展战略研究”(2011-2012)
9. 国务院学位委员会办公室委托课题“学位点评估机制与质量保障研究”(2010-2011)
10. 华中科技大学自主创新研究基金项目“博士毕业生职业选择调查研究”(2010AW005)
11. 中国科协2009年调研课题“科技工作者家庭状况调查”(2009)
12. “遵循科学发展,建设高等教育强国”重大攻关课题之子课题“高等教育强国的内涵、本质与特征”(2008-2010)
13. “遵循科学发展,建设高等教育强国”重大攻关课题之子课题“教育理念创新”(2008-2010)
14. 全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题:“博士研究生教育制度创新研究”(DIA070099)
15. 湖北省教育科学“十一五”规划课题:“创新型博士研究生教育区域性制度供给研究”(2007B106)
16. 华中科技大学2005年校文科基金重点项目:“荷兰学位制度的改革与发展研究”(2005-2007)
17. 全国学位与研究生教育发展研究中心“十五”科研规划重点项目《学位论》(2001-0107-01)
18. 全国学位与研究生教育发展研究中心“十五”课题《20世纪中国学位与研究生教育》
1. Luo Siming, Ataklti Abraha. Natural science and engineering instructors’ knowledge and practice of brain-based instruction in Ethiopian higher education institutions[J/OA]. Heliyon, 2023(9):e2325.(SCI JCR Q2)
2. 骆四铭,任丽红,李琼,等. 共同抗疫对来华留学生情感与行动的影响[J]. 高等工程教育研究, 2023(ZI):199-205.
3. 骆四铭,任丽红,李琼. 特岗教师离职倾向影响因素探析[J]. 教学与管理, 2023(3):30-33.
4. 骆四铭,曾宇溪,李周密,等. 高等教育国际化人才培养:成效及启示[J].山东高等教育,2022(4):13-21.
5. Niamatullah Baloch, Luo Siming, Hong Shen, et al. Faculty publication productivity and collaboration in Pakistan: using mixed methods to compare foreign and domestic doctoral degree holders[J]. Higher Education Forum, 2021,18:23-46.
6. Ataklti Abraha, Luo Siming. Adoption of brain-based instruction by higher education science and engineering departments in Ethiopia: a quantitative and qualitative survey[J]. European Scientific Journal, 2021, 17(5): 91-113.
7. Niamatullah Baloch, Luo Siming, Ataklti Abraha, et al. Faculty research productivity: differences between foreign and local doctoral degree holders in Pakistan [J]. Higher Education,2021(1):203-225.(SSCI一区)
8. 骆四铭,阮氏贵.法属殖民地时期越南高等教育的移植与评价[J].高等教育研究,2018(4):100-109.
9. Luo Siming,Niamatullah Baloch,Jianying Gao,et al. Factors leading to students’satisfaction in the higher learning institutions[J]. Journal of Education and Practice, 2015(6):114-118.
10. 程晓静,骆四铭. 民办高校本科专业设置和调整研究—基于BCG矩阵的视角[J]. 现代教育科学·高教研究,2015(1):76-79,88.
11. 骆四铭,柴世思. 责任、权益视角下学位点建设与质量评估的风险控制[J].研究生教育研究,2012(1):60-65.
12. 骆四铭,王小敏. 印度“学位与职位相分离”政策及其启示[J]. 复旦教育论坛,2012(1):88-92.
13. 骆四铭,王小敏. 网络环境下高阶能力培养的研究生学习模式[J].学位与研究生教育,2011(11):57-61.
14. 骆四铭,柴世思. 大学自治与学术自由的力度及其实现[J].国家教育行政学院学报,2011(8):54-58.
15. 骆四铭,柴世思.高校行政化转型与治理[J].现代大学教育,2011(2):50-54.
16. 骆四铭.洪堡理念与德国高等教育发展[J].高等工程教育研究,2010(5):107-112.
17. 骆四铭.学科制度与创新人才培养[J]. 教育研究,2009(9):46-51.(中国人民大学书报资料中心·高等教育2010年第2期全文转载)
18. 骆四铭.中国特色学位制度建构略论 [J]. 江苏高教,2009(4):79-81.
19. 骆四铭. 德国走上高等教育强国的历程及其经验[J]. 赣南师范学院学报,2009 (2):34-38.
20. 骆四铭.学位管理:“认证”还是“授权”[J].黑龙江高教研究,2009(5):1-5.
21. 骆四铭,张应强. 整合优质资源 培养创新型博士[J].比较教育研究,2009(4):37-41.
22. 孙昌爱、骆四铭.适用于软件工程技术的高质量教辅并重的小班教学模式[J].计算机教育,2008(20):25-27. [教育部高等学校计算机科学与技术教学指导委员会、《计算机教育》杂志社“2008年Intel杯全国计算机教育优秀论文评比”二等奖]
23. 骆四铭. 发现、培养、支持:荷兰博士研究生创新支撑体系[J].高等工程教育研究,2008(5):134-138.
24. 骆四铭.关于我国博士研究生教育若干问题的思考[J].高等教育研究,2008(8):81-85.
25. 王利芬,骆四铭. 论基于学位本质的学位制度改革[J].现代大学教育,2008(3):97-103.
26. 王利芬,骆四铭. 论大学生英语自主学习能力形成的制约因素[J].黑龙江高教研究,2008(3).
27. 骆四铭、许宏、王利芬.主动与渐进:Ba-Ma制度的引入与荷兰学位制度的发展[J].学位与研究生教育,2007(11):73-77.
28. 骆四铭.“学位研究”及其体系建构[J].高教探索,2006(4):46-48.
29. 骆四铭.学位的起源、发展及其特征[J].比较教育研究,2006(4):35-40.
30. 骆四铭.公立高校内部管理规则创新与管理效能提升[J].江苏高教,2006(2):37-39.
31. 骆四铭.试论我国学位制度体系的局限[J].民办教育研究,2005(5):1-6.
32. 骆四铭.管理创新:我国一流大学建设的挑战与机遇[C]//黄河文化论坛(第十三辑.山西人民出版社,2005.
33. 骆四铭.中国大学类意识的发展影响大学定位[J].现代教育科学·高教研究,2005(4):40-41,88.(中国人民大学书报资料中心·高等教育2005年第10期全文转载).
34. 骆四铭.我国学位结构失衡浅析[J].现代大学教育,2005(1):83-86.(中国人民大学书报资料中心·高等教育2005年第3期论点转载)
35. 骆四铭.管理创新——我国大学创新的必由之路[J].科技导报,2004(1).
36. 骆四铭.我国学位结构失衡研究[J].中国海洋大学高教研究,2004(2).
37. 骆四铭.一流大学的使命:引领人类精神生活[J].民办教育研究,2003(4).
38. Luo Siming. Degree system in Mainland China: changes and implications [J]. Higher Education Management and Policy, 2004(3):169-180.
39. 骆四铭.浅议学士学位补偿的必要性[J].高等教育研究,2002(4).
40. 骆四铭.我国专业学位教育发展的必然与局限[J].理工高教研究,2002(3).
41. 骆四铭.大众高等教育质量保障的三个层面[J].中国电力教育,2002(3).
42. 骆四铭.德国高等教育的特色、改革及启示[J].煤炭高等教育,2002(4).
43. 骆四铭.发挥“乐”在大学德育中的作用[J].高等教育研究,2001(5).
专著:中国学位制度:问题与对策. 武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2007.
译著:社会科学访谈研究. 青岛:中国海洋大学出版社,2007.
Brief Introduction of Prof. Dr. LUO Siming
Prof. Dr. LUO Siming, is now supervisor in Education School, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), with rich international experiences as Visiting Fellow of University of Groningen/RUG (funded by CSC), living in USA and Brazil, travelling in Italy/France/Indonesia. He is supervisor of PHD students from Pakistan, Vietnam, Myanmar, Iraq,Tanzania and Ethiopia. He is the vice-chief editor of Bi-monthly Journal of Chinese Academy of Engineering Gaodeng Gongcheng Jiaouu Yanjiu (Research in Higher Education of Engineering). He has teaching and management experiences in secondary/higher education. He has done comparative researches in degree system policies of western countries. He has taken part in national research projects and been university/provincial/national projects leader. He has published more than forty academic articles (including English article on OECD,UNESCO and top educational journals) and is the author/co-author/translator of four books.
His research interests include:
Higher Education, Engineering Education policies and management; effectiveness of higher education; sociological higher education; comparative education.
Contact: sluo@hust.edu.cn
1. (In English) LUO Siming, Ataklti Abraha. Natural science and engineering instructors’ knowledge and practice of brain-based instruction in Ethiopian higher education institutions[J/OA]. Heliyon, 2023(9):e2325.(SCI JCR Q2)
2. (In Chinese) LUO Siming,Ren Lihong, Li Qiong. et al. The impact of Wuhan COVID-19 prevention experience on international students[J]. Gaodeng Gongcheng Jiaoyu Yanjiu (Research in Higher Education of Engineering),, 2023(ZI):199-205.
3. (In Chinese) LUO Siming,Ren Lihong, Li Qiong. Explorative analysis on influencing factors of leaving tendency of special post teachers[J]. Jiaoxue yu Guanli (Teaching & Administration), 2023(3):30-33.
4. (In Chinese) LUO Siming,Zeng Yuxi,Li Zhoumi,et al. International talent training of higher education: effectiveness and enlightenment-a case study of SES,HUST[J]. Shangdong Gaodeng Jiaoyu (Review of Higher Education),2022(4):13-21.
5. (In English) Niamatullah Baloch, LUO Siming, Hong Shen, et al. Faculty publication productivity and collaboration in Pakistan: using mixed methods to compare foreign and domestic doctoral degree holders[J]. Higher Education Forum, 2021,18:23-46.
6. (In English) Ataklti Abraha, LUO Siming. Adoption of brain-based instruction by higher education science and engineering departments in Ethiopia: a quantitative and qualitative survey[J]. European Scientific Journal, 2021(5): 91-113.
7. (In English) Niamatullah Baloch, LUO Siming, Ataklti Abraha, et al. Faculty research productivity: differences between foreign and local doctoral degree holders in Pakistan [J]. Higher Education,2021(1):203-225. (SSCI Q1)
8. (In Chinese) LUO Siming, NGUYEN Thi Quy. On the transplant mode and evaluation of vietnam higher education in French colonial period [J]. Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiu (Journal of Higher Education), 2018 (4):100-109.
9. (In English) LUO Siming,Niamatullah Baloch,Jianying Gao,et al. Factors leading to students’ satisfaction in the higher learning institutions [J]. Journal of Education and Practice, 2015, 31(6):114-118.
10. (In Chinese) CHEN Xiaojing, LUO Siming. On private universities’ program setting and adjust: from BCG matrix perspective [J]. Xiandai Jiaoyu Kexue · Gaojiao Yanjiu (Modern Education Science: Higher Education Research Edition, 2015(1):76-79+88.
11. (In Chinese) LUO Siming, CHAI Shisi. Risk control in degree program and quality evaluation [J]. Yanjiusheng Jiaoyu Yanjiu (Journal of Graduate Education), 2011(1):60-65.
12. (In Chinese) LUO Siming, WANG xiaomin. The policy analyis of India’s policy of “Delinking Degrees from Jobs” [J]. Fudan Jiaoyu Luntan (Fudan Education Forum), 2012, 10(1):88-92.
13. (In Chinese) LUO Siming, WANG xiaomin. Higher-thinking-abilities-cultivation oriented learning mode for postgraduates through internet[J]. Xuewei yu Yanjiusheng Jiaoyu (Academic degrees & graduate education), 2011(11):57-61.
14. (In Chinese) LUO Siming, CHAI Shisi. Implementation and intensity of university autonomy and academic freedom [J]. Guojia Jiaoyu Xingzheng Xueyuan xuebao(Journal of National Academy of Education Administration), 2011(8):54-58.
15. (In Chinese) LUO Siming, CHAI Shisi. Transforming bureaucracy in higher education governance [J]. Xiandai Daxue Jiaoyu (Modern University Education), 2011(2):50-54.
16. (In Chinese) LUO Siming, (2010), the Humboldt Idea and German higher education development[J]. Gaodeng Gongcheng Jiaoyu Yanjiu (Research in Higher Education of Engineering), 2010(5):107-112.
17. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. Disciplinary system and innovative talent cultivation [J]. Jiaoyu Yanjiu (Educational Research), 2009, 30(9):46-51.
18. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. On degree system with chinese characteristics [J]. Jiangsu Gaojiao (Jiangsu Higher Education), 2009(4):79-81.
19. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. The way to great power in higher education: German experiences and its implication[J]. Gannan Shifan Xueyuan Xuebao (Journal of Gannan Normal Univesity), 2009(2):34-38.
20. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. Degree management: to authenticate or to authorize [J]. Heilongjiang Gaojiao Yanjiu (Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education), 2009 (5):1-5.
21. (In Chinese) LUO Siming, Zhang Yingqiang. Integrating high quality resources to train innovative PHD: case study of research school in the Netherlands [J]. Bijiao Jiaoyu Yanjiu (Comparative Education Review), 2009(4):37-41.
22. (In Chinese) Sun Changai, LUO Siming. A small class teaching model for software engineering & technology high quality teaching and supervising [J]. Jisuanji Jiaoyu (Computer Education), 2008, 20:25-27.
23. (In Chinese) LUO Siming, et al. Initiative and Gradualness: the introduction of Ba-Ma system and the development of degree system in the Netherlands [J]. Xuewei yu Yanjiusheng Jiaoyu (Academic degrees & graduate education), 2007(11):73-77.
24. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. Construction of degree research and its system[J]. Gaojiao Tansuo (Higher Education Exploration), 2006(4):46-48.
25. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. Origin, development and characteristics of degree[J]. Bijiao Jiaoyu Yanjiu (Comparative Education Research), 2006(4):35-40.
26. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. Rules innovation of China’s public university and its effectiveness improvement[J]. Jiangsu Gaojiao (Jiangsu Higher Education), 2006(2):37-39.
27. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. On limitation of china’s degree system[J]. Minban Jiaoyu Yamjiu (Private Education Research), 2005, 20:1-6.
28. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. Administration innovation: a challenge for China’s top universities[J]. Huanghe Wenhua Luntan (The Yellow River Culture Tribune), Shanxi Renmin Press, 2005),13:74-86.
29. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. Concept of university in relation to university positioning[J]. Xiandai Jiaoyu Kexue (Modern Education Science),2005, 195:40-41, 88.
30. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. On the structural imbalances of China’s degree system[J]. Xiandai Daxue Jiaoyu (Modern University Education), 2005,91:83-86.
31. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. Administration innovation: an inevitable way to university innovation[J]. Keji Daobao (Science and Technology Review), 2004, 187:35-38.
32. (In English) LUO Siming. Degree system in Mainland China: changes and implications, Higher Education Management and Policy,2003, 15(3):169-180.
33. (In Chinese) LUO Siming.On necessity of baccalaureate degree compensation[J]. Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanju (Journal of Higher Education),2002,23(4):93-96.
34. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. The inevitability and limitation of the development of professional degree education in China[J]. Ligong Gaojiao Yanjiu (Journal of Technology College Education),2002, 21(3):30-32.
35. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. The characteristics, innovations and implications of higher education in German[J]. Meitan Gaodeng Jiaoyu (Meitan Higher Education), 2002,77:33-35.
36. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. Three strata of quality guarantee of mass higher education[J]. Zhongguo Dianli Jiaoyu (China Electric Power Education), 2002, 72:1-4.
37. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. The development, problem and prospect of professional degree in Mainland China[C]. Proceedings of Graduate Forum of Two Sides, Taiwan,2002:120-132.
38. (In Chinese) LUO Siming. On usage of Yue in university moral education[J]. Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanju (Journal of Higher Education),2001, 22(5):76-77.
LUO Siming. Degree System in China: Problems and Resolutions[M]. Wuhan: HUST University Press, 2007.
Translation: Interviewing for Social Scientist[M]. Qingdao: China Ocean University Press, 2007.
On Problems and Countermeasures of China’s Degree System (in Chinese)
Special Project on Quality Assurance for Studying in China (Key Project): Research on Quality Assurance of Education and Management for Studying in China in the Post Pandemic Era(2021-2022)
The Second Batch of New Engineering Research and Practice Projects by MOE: Exploration and Practice of Interdisciplinary Internationalization Talent Cultivation for New Engineering(E-GCCRC20200310)
HUST commissioned project: Research on Talent Training Model of International Demonstration College(2020-2021)
Special Project on Ideological and Political Theory at HUST: Enhancing National Awareness Based on College English Courses(2020-2021)
HUST World and China Higher Education Development Project(2019)
Project on Double First Class Construction of HUST(2018)
Special Project on Ideological and Political Theory at HUST: Research on the Carrier of Graduate Ideological and Political Education(2017-2018)
On the Development Strategy of Xiangfan College in Building a Renowned High level Comprehensive University in China(2011-2012)
On the Evaluation Mechanism and Quality Assurance of Degree Programs. The Office of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council(2010-2011)
Survey and Research on Career Choices of Doctoral Graduates. HUST Independent Innovation Research Fund Project(2010AW005)
Project of the China Association for Science and Technology in 2009: Survey on the Family Status of Science and Technology Workers(2009)
The connotation, essence, and characteristics of higher education power, part of key project: Developing Scientifically to build higher education power(2008/6-2010/6)
Innovation of Education Idea, part of key project: Developing Scientifically to build higher education power(2008/6-2010/6)
On doctoral education policy innovation. National Education Science “Eleventh Five-year” Project(DIA070099)(2007-2010)
On regional policy supply to innovative doctoral education, Hubei Province Education Science “Eleventh Five-year” Project(2007B106)(2007-2010)
On development and Reform of Degree System in Netherlands, HUST Art and Humanities Research Project (2005-2007)
Academic Degree & Graduate Education in China in the 20th Century, the Tenth Five-year Project of China Education Ministry (2002)
On Academic Degree, The Key Tenth Five-year Project of China Academic Degree & Graduate Education Development Center (2000)
Academic Work
Member of China Higher Education Research Association
Member of Degree & Graduate Education Research Association in China
Member of Educational Effectiveness Academic Committee in China